Preposition after Nouns

Preposition after Nouns

Ability for (সামর্থ্য)—He has ability for driving.

Absent from (অনুপস্থিত) —  He is absent from Sunday.

Access to (প্রবেশাধিকার)—Liton has an easy access to the Ministry.

Acquaintance with (পরিচয়) — I was glad to make acquaintance with Mahbub.

Addiction to (মন্দকাজে আসক্তি) — Harun has an addiction to wine.

Affection for (স্নেহ) — Every mother has an affection for her child.

Alien to (বিদেশি) — Mr. John is an alien to Bangladesh.

Ambition for (উচ্চাকাঙ্খা) — Everyone has an ambition for fame.

Antipathy to (বিতৃষ্ণা) — She has an antipathy to formal life.

Anxiety for (উদ্বিগ্নতা) — She has an anxiety for her son.

Apology for (ক্ষমা) — He begged an apology for his impudence.

Appetite for (ক্ষুধা) — The man has no appetite for foods now.

Attention to (মনোযোগ) — Students should give attention to their lessons.

Authority over (আধিপত্য) — He has an authority over the office.

Authority for (প্রমাণ) — The police did not find any authority for the murder.

Aversion to (বিতৃষ্ণা) — Monir has an aversion to learning.

Bar to (প্রতিবন্ধক) — Poverty is a bar to the progress of the country.

Belief in (বিশ্বাস) — I have a strong belief in religion.

Candidate for (প্রার্থী) — Hasan is a candidate for the post.

Capacity for (সামর্থ্য) — He has a capacity for hard work.

Cause for (কারণ) — I do not see any cause for your anxiety.

Care of (যত্ন) — Take care of your health.

Cause of (কারণ) — I know the cause of his failure.

Caution against (সাবধানতা) — We should take proper caution against diabetes.

Charge of/against (অভিযোগ) — False is the charge of theft against him.

Charge of (দায়িত্ব) — He took the charge of the shop.

Charm for (মোহ) — Wealth has no charm for me.

Claim to (দাবি) — The girl raised a claim to her mother’s property.

Clue to (অনুসন্ধানের সূত্র) — The policeman found a clue to the murder.

Comment on (মন্তব্য) — We should not say any bad comment on our religion.

Connection with (সম্পর্ক) — I have no connection with him.

Contempt for (ঘৃণা) — She has a contempt for smoking.

Contempt of (আইন অমান্য) — The man was charged with the contempt of court.

Contrast with (বিপরীত) — His words are in contrast with his deeds.

Contribution to (অবদান) — Nazrul has a great contribution to poetry.

Control over (কর্তৃত্ব) — Rafiq has a control over the office.

Compensation for (ক্ষতিপূরণ) — You have to make compensation for the loss.

Delight in (আনন্দ) — He found a great delight in the matter.

Desire for (অভিলাষ) — Everyone has a desire for fame.

Disgrace to (কলঙ্ক) — He is a disgrace to the family.

Dislike to (বিরাগ) — I have a dislike to cats.

Distaste for (বিতৃষ্ণা) — He has no distaste for art.

Dispute about (বিতর্ক) — The politicians raised a dispute about the issue.

Dispute with (বিতর্ক) — I settled dispute with him.

Doubt about (সন্দেহ) — There is no doubt about it.

Duty to (কর্তব্য) — We have a solemn duty to save our country.

Eagerness for (আগ্রহ) — Surovi had an eagerness for poetry.

Preposition after Nouns

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